Recent Books
Letter order, is an application created with the purpose of providing the educational group Stude...
Letter order, is an application created with the purpose of providing the educational group Stude...
Letter order, is an application created with the purpose of providing the educational group Stude...
Recently Updated Pages
Create account
To start using Letter Order, you need to create an account, and to do so, you must first determin...
Create account
To start using Letter Order, you need to create an account, and to do so, you must first determin...
Quick start
The basic steps for using Letter Order are: create an account, add students, share my code, uploa...
Group conversation
Initiate a group conversation with all students in the group. This feature applies to groups crea...
Activity assignment
Assigning activities consists of letting the learner know what they are expected to do, providing...
Create folder
The ability to organise the material is important, which is why we created the folders. Creati...
My profile
In your profile you can find your information to display as an interventionist. To visit your ...
Password recovery
If you have forgotten your password... Go to your login Tap On the screen that appear...
Password recovery
If you have forgotten your password... Go to your login Tap On the screen that appears, e...
Password recovery
If you have forgotten your password... Go to your login Tap On the screen that appears, ...
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