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Upload my content (Activities)

As an interventionist, we know that you have prepared your materials for your classes, so it is important that you have them. 
You can upload your PDFs, Word documents, images, etc. to share with your students, as well as store them in the application. 

Upload PDF

  1. From the top menu, go to activities menu.png
  2. Press My_content.pngto enter the list of your own content.
  3. In this screen you will see the folders you have created (How to create a folder).
  4. Press ypload_mycontent.png located on the top right.
  5. On the next screen, press  choose a file.png to select a PDF document.
  6. This will open your file manager where you can select the file to upload. The document you want to upload should already be loaded on your device.
  7. Once you have selected the document, the 'Upload your material' screen should show the name of the document you have picked and the option to delete it and re-upload another document if it is not the correct one.
  8. You will need to fill in the name of the activity and a description.
  9. The icon iconactivated.png confirms that the information has been entered.
  10. In the Folder bar 


     select the folder to which the file belongs. 
  11. In the Required evidence bar 


    you can choose between an audio recording or an uploaded document. 
  12. Once the information is complete and correct, press savebutton.png to complete the upload and save your document.